What we do

"Our mission is simple: to supply our customers with the best possible event handling solution. It's all here, in one tool: marketing, registration, networking, mobile..."


Registration, billing & online payments, ticketing
Registrate not only participants, but also handle all the speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, invitees etc.
Let people pay online or offline and send tickets.
To make the registration experience smoother, let participants subscribe with their social media profiles.
Save time by setting up automatic confirmation and reminder e-mails.


Marketing & monitoring
Build modern websites with the integrated CMS and built-in features like online participant lists and message boards.
Use the marketing & monitoring tools to send mailings to specific groups, make use of promotional codes and links to spread via different media - and visualize the effects on the number of registrations.
Monitor and compare your registration data online, or export customizable reports to excel.


Integrated mobile app & networking modules
Want to supply your participants with up-to-date information during your event and let them get in touch with their peers? Save time by using our integrated mobile app: it uses live data from the registration system - no need to export data to third party apps!


Front desk & client interface
Interfaces for every situation: a simple front desk interface with all the essential functions to check in participants and print badges if necessary. A customizable client interface with different authorization levels to set up and monitor your event. And an interface for sponsors and exhibitors to easily let them handle and follow up on prospects.


Abstract handling
Ever had to cope with a big number of abstracts? We have an automated solution: paperless abstract handling. Let participants upload their abstracts, give a login to the evaluators and let them rate the abstracts independently. With a push on the button, the system presents the overall results and produces a printable handout.



Herenweg 180
2101 MV Haarlem
The Netherlands
t. +31 23 555 27 20
m. info@registraid.com